Поклонники не узнали Оксану Федорову Former “Miss universe” experimenting with appearance, however, the new changes do not always come out successful. Recently, the famous brunette has shared with fans the result of the visit, caused a strong reaction.

Since winning the title “Miss universe” Oksana Fedorova has passed 15 years. During this time in the life and career of the famous beauties have been many changes. The changes were made and appearance. Not so long ago fans of Oksana discussed her new haircut, noting that the presenter is much prettier and younger. Famous brunette decided not to stop there and recently shared the photo on his microblog, where he demonstrated a new makeover.

“Today’s weather is not happy, but it pleases me a great makeup artist Anna. Chic makeover series “I want a make-up” and transformation – the best way to lighten the mood. Ether radio “Orpheus” was a success. Anya, thank you very much”, – signed photo of Oksana.

However, many followers did not share the view of the favorite about her new image. Some particularly confused eyebrows, the presenter, who began to look unnatural. “The make makes attractive women who are unattractive, have no natural colors, brightness, and Oksana, in my opinion, this makeup is too much”, “Artificial madeness is not Yours!”, “Oksana, it’s hard to spoil you, but the makeup artist tried very hard…”, “Oksanochka, You are pretty, but the makeup as a mask, eyebrows are something else.” – expressed his opinion of the subscribers.

There were those who supported the beautiful: “And I really like the make!”, “Oksana, Yes, you’re lovely! Beauty, brains!”, “Make gorgeous, Oksana is a very beautiful person and everything is great!”

Many advised the presenter to use more natural makeup. Soft and delicate look is combined with the natural beauty of young women and emphasizes it. Followers believe that she need aggressive make-up and plastic surgery, because the favourite, and looks great.

Oksana carefully watching not only for their appearance but also for health. Beauty every morning starts with a cold shower, a glass of water and charging, and recently beginning to get used to the hardening. Perhaps this is the secret to her flawless appearance.