Фанаты вычисляют возможную победительницу «Холостяка» Fans of the popular TV show can’t wait to see the final series of the fifth season. Perhaps that is why users of the social network trying to find any information able to tell who of the participants became the bride of Elijah Glinnikov.

      For the past few weeks viewers have watched beauty fighting for the heart of the eligible bachelor. The main hero of the famous TV show was the star of the series “Interns” Ilya Glinnikov. The man admitted that he did not hope to really fall in love, and also added that these shots really turned his life. Comments celebrity so intrigued the fans, they immediately began to look for his possible mistress.

      Members of communities, dedicated to the “Bachelor”, chose several candidates for the victory: Rosa first impression Madina Temowo, most timid girl of this season Daria Klucina and mysterious Catherine Nikulin. By the way, it is the latter and attribute the novel with Glinnikov. Fans analyzed the positions of young people in Instagram and came to the conclusion that such coincidences can’t be accidental.

      Publications of Elijah and caty were on the subject of sincerity, and use similar hashtags. Blonde wrote a short text, where it outlined its position and spoke out about the hypocrisy and lies. Belle believes that everyone should learn to accept yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages and not try to fulfill someone else’s role.

      “Is it not better to be yourself than to build yourself out of someone? So great to recognize what you have to live with it. Free yourself from faces, masks…Envy and anger…Be easier. It’s a great feeling and a pleasant harmony inside,” said Katia.

      It is interesting that Glinnikov about in those days shared with the followers of the microblog’s own thoughts on the matter. The actor said that, in his opinion, right from the start to demonstrate their real behavior. The man believes that dishonesty can play a cruel joke in the future.

      “If you have made a decision and took a step, then look back does not make sense. I think on a first date it is better to show all of her crazy and not to do what not do in the future. To be rather than to seem,” wrote Ilya.

      That artist is really trying to be open towards each candidate on his heart, said many participants. So, the notorious journalist Lesya Ryabtseva in an exclusive interview with “StarHit” talked about the character of the bachelor. She believes that Ilya is real, sincere and sensitive man. The controversial star of “the Bachelor” Les riabtseva: “Sex? It was hard for me to control myself”