Знаменитый голливудский актер попал в серьезную аварию

The star of the sequel to “Jumanji”, “scary movie” and “fast and Furious” Kevin HART got in an accident. Celebrity car crashed into the curb and fell into a ravine.

The accident occurred September 1 at 2:58 am (Pacific time) near Malibu (CA).

As foreign reports the portal TMZ, citing a police of Malibu, the driver of the car was found on the seat under the rubble of the roof. Also in the car were two passengers, including actor and comedian Kevin HART. To get bodies of victims from the car, firefighters had to saw off the roof.

Later, police confirmed that the car belongs to Kevin HART. He bought the car last summer in honor of its 40th anniversary.

It is also known that behind the wheel of a vintage car was not an actor, and his driver — 28-year-old man. He didn’t quite make the turn and crashed into a wooden fence along the roadside, after which the car was demolished in a ditch. The roof of the car was completely in the dents.

According to police, the examination showed that at the time of accident the driver of HART was sober.

Owing to road accident the driver and Kevin HART suffered a serious back injury and now are in the hospital. They were flown back across town to UCLA medical center. Another passenger – a personal trainer of Hollywood stars, 31-year-old Rebecca Brakesmen – has not received serious damages. She didn’t need hospitalization.

Now as a comedian after the accident is critical. He has multiple injuries, especially of the spine.

Support Kevin expressed his colleague, the highest — paid Hollywood actor Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson. He stressed that working with Kevin always made him smile.

— I love you, man. Hang in there, added Dwayne Johnson in the caption to a joint picture.

Pereglyanulis to Tsey does in Instagram

Stop messing with my emotions brother @kevinhart4real. We have a lot more laughing to do together. Love you man. Stay strong 🙏🏾

Does, polirani therock (@therock) 1 Ver R. 2019 10:13 PDT


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