According to fans, the misery of illusionists could be part of “Battle of psychics.” After Ilya Safronov broke his leg his niece. The daughter of Andrew is in the hospital, just like his brother. The artist was shocked by the events that happened to his family.
Family Safronov is sad feelings. Within a few days the stars was once two unpleasant events. The first accident happened Sunday night during the highly anticipated premiere of the show’s famous illusionists “Lightning” in the concert hall “Crocus city Hall”.
Performing trick, was injured by one of the artists, Ilya Safronov. In the hospital, the doctors gave the star diagnosis – broken leg. No sooner had the family to recover from the incident as exactly the same injury was the daughter of Andrey Safronov. The illusionist told about the incident on his page in Instagram.
“Now daughter… And also the left leg as his brother! One from the scene to the hospital, another from the school to the hospital… what a week! #mystic #metaextensions,” wrote Andrew.
We will remind that Ilya Safronov is actually directly from the concert hall on the ambulance was taken to the Institute Sklifosovsky. The show continued in part. On stage were two of three brothers-illusionists – Sergei and Andrei.
“Unfortunately, the concert was not the best. In the beginning of the show Ilya directly during his speech, broke his leg. We, three brothers, a single mechanism, and the show rehearsed for three artists. It was very difficult to finish the concert without Elijah! Thanks to all who came and were with us. The fracture was very strong, tomorrow will undergo surgery, will be undoing the ankle. Soon Elijah will be fine! All tours, all cities shall remain in force, and in the new year will come a new show “the haunted House”, – said Andrey.
It is worth noting that fans of brothers Safronov did not even believe that the family suffered from two troubles. “Nightmare, what do you have there?”, “How did this happen? Health”, “Mother dear! They’re definitely not in cahoots?”, “Negative pattern”, “Safronov Favorite! You jinxed psychics,” suggested followers artists.
Recall that one of the brothers Safronov, Sergey, not first season leading the program “Battle of psychics.” Earlier, in an interview with “StarHit” he mentioned that he did not heed the advice of the priest to lead this mystical show.
“Gave me charms, but I trust the Orthodox cross, – said Safronov. – Six years ago the whole family gathered for the christening of my daughter Alina. The priest said a prayer, looked at me intently, frowning, and said: “do Not you “the Battle of psychics” to remove. It’s all from evil!” I wouldn’t take his words to heart”.