Brigitte Sweetman, mother committed suicide Katrina Waits, the former beloved of the Hollywood Comedy actor Jim Carrey said that they are ready to publicly apologize to the artist and to collect your claim if the artist publishes the results of tests that he did in 2013, under a false name Jose Lopez.
Yesterday it became known that Jim had infected Catriona sexually transmitted diseases, but he never admitted her guilt and set her loose way of life, called her a prostitute and is very hurt. In January 2013, when Catriona got the first symptoms, he lied to her that healthy, and that’s where the problem is. Under pressure from the Whites signed an agreement not to disclose personal information about their relationships and health of partner.
“Jim Carrey and his lawyers contacted me and claimed that he was not sick and was not a carrier of diseases that found my daughter. I require open access to results of laboratory studies, which Jim was, as Jose Lopez. Then we all will become clear who is lying and who is telling the truth. If the representatives of Kerry will provide data on the blood test which took 28 January 2013 at 11.40 am and they are negative I will take action and make a public apology. I think the public has a right to the truth,” said Bridget.
We will remind that earlier to Jim Carrey sued the husband (widower) Katrina mark Benton, who accused the actor of indirect murder. According to the man, the actor supplied Catriona drugs, overdose of which she died. The drugs were issued under a false name.