Вера Полозкова показала новорожденного сына The poet gave birth to her second child. During pregnancy Faith did not cease to work actively, but now she is ready to devote time to family. A celebrity already compares the characters of the kids.
Вера Полозкова показала новорожденного сына

The poetess Vera Polozkova April 29, became a mother for the second time. She gave her husband Alexander Bgancev son, whom they named Savva. The couple also grows three-year-old Fedor. Celebrity did not hide from the fans the joy of replenishment in the family, and therefore told the followers about important in her life event. However, not once.

“Twenty-ninth day threatens to become my favorite number. 29 December 2014 born Fyodor and on April 29, exactly forty months, his younger brother Sava. 4100, 57 cm, is cool, is that the copy brother. Thank you to everyone who worried and supported,” wrote Polozkova.

Now Faith was already discharged from the hospital. She happily goes outside with a newborn baby and is photographed with the baby, trying to capture the first days of his life. Polozkova talks about how adopted younger brother to her eldest son.

“Now, “little” is Sava, and Theodore “huge” and “strong”. Fedor celebrates brother worried when he cries, and yesterday took it for bird hand and said softly, “I’ll be there,” shared Vera.
Вера Полозкова показала новорожденного сына

Despite the fact that Polozkova was expecting her second child, she did not cease to work actively. The poet said that notices how different kids. She attributes this to the fact that the younger son was used to her tour and travel. However, apparently, now the Faith does not intend to leave the newborn son for the job.

Вера Полозкова показала новорожденного сына“The fact that the Sava Alexandrovich drove us twenty cities of the tour from Norilsk to Prague – it is very noticeable, he was born even the unflappable Fedora and obviously plans now to relax from the road. And that to me at the end of this journey, lasting from August, now you can breathe, I can’t believe all looking at bags and looking at solar storys from Rome, Tbilisi, Budapest and Vilnius. They hope to wait for me. Now is the time for family,” wrote the poet in the microblog.