Обследования при патологии печени

The liver is the major gland and organ allocation the human body. Its functions are numerous and closely linked with virtually all types of metabolism. Functional disorders in the body, as well as organic lesions can lead to serious violations in work of all systems and organs, especially if affected a large part of the hepatocytes. To determine abnormalities in the liver the help of numerous laboratory and functional tests, which are conducted by the doctor accessed the patient with a variety of typical complaints.

Complaints disease liver

Обследования при патологии печени

The liver has a large functional reserve and can compensate for many minor injuries due to active regeneration. Therefore, problems can occur when you lose quite a significant amount of body when suffering its detoxifying, digestive or other functions. You may experience symptoms of jaundice, feeling of heaviness in the right side, bitter taste in the mouth, problems of blood coagulation or protein-synthetic function, depending on the cause of pathology. It is therefore important to conduct a series of surveys based on the existing complaints of the patient, supplemented with defined clinical symptoms – digestive disorders, changes in skin color, weakness. List of tests in each case determined by the physician — https://medaboutme.ru/zdorove/servisy/rasshifrovka-analizov/biokhimiya-krovi/patologiya-pecheni/. He also, according to the results of all analyses, conducts and interpretation of all results and assigns extra diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

Survey data: biochemistry

First of all, when you have complaints, which can indicate pathology of the liver, the doctor will conduct a detailed inquiry on all the uncomfortable sensations, the ailments, the presence of abdominal pain or side, nausea and problems with a chair and an appetite. There would also be a full inspection and probing of the abdomen, assessment of the liver, its density, consistency, tenderness. Also shown performing an ultrasound scan of the liver parenchyma, the work of the gall bladder and carry out a series of tests, starting with common indicators, as well as some more specific. When a body is increased blood tests on a number of indicators such as the level of bilirubin, some enzymes and levels of inflammatory proteins. On the basis of these modified indicators is the purpose of the additional analyses that may identify reasons for the defeat and concomitant changes in abdominal organs, for example, disruption of the functioning of the pancreas.

Assessment of carbohydrate metabolism, the pancreas

Often, the problems of the liver and gallbladder are detected even in parallel and deviations in the functioning of the pancreas – pancreatitis reactive or more serious destruction. Given the fact that the islet apparatus of the body is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, it is important to assess its condition. To assess all changes of the pancreas, carbohydrate metabolism evaluated according to the study, plasma glucose fasting and load to identify a special condition – pre-diabetes, in which impaired glucose tolerance, a condition that can without a full correction lead to the formation of diabetes and all the associated changes. The liver actively participates in metabolism of fat, and carbohydrate metabolism, it accumulates glycogen stores needed to maintain a stable concentration of carbohydrates in the plasma.

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