Экс-участница группы «Сливки» ответила на обвинения в клевете The young woman broke the silence and clarified the situation. She also told about what is going to give an interview, which will explain his version of what happened. In addition, Ermolaeva promised to account for the money she donated users of social networks.

      Экс-участница группы «Сливки» ответила на обвинения в клевете

      In social networks appeared information about the fact that a pregnant ex-member of group “Cream” Daria Ermolaeva was abandoned in Brazil in the lurch. That happened with a young woman, said the artist Theon Dolnikova who wanted to help her friend. She also organized a fundraiser for Ermolaeva. At the request of Teona responded to many Internet users, however, there were those who doubted of the history of friend Darya.

      After some time, the former husband and the sources close to the Yermolayev said that the post published in social networks, is far from reality. In turn, Teona Dolnikova told reporters that she was a nasty gossip around the situation. The singer only wanted to help her friend and even could not assume, what will be the result.

      The ex-soloist of group “Cream” accuses her of cheating

      Экс-участница группы «Сливки» ответила на обвинения в клевете

      Recently Daria Ermolaeva, worried about many discussions, decided to break the silence and respond to fraud charges, appeared on the Network. She told me that soon will share his version of the events. This happens on one of the most popular TV channels. Daria also asked not to bother her, because soon a young woman will become a mother for the second time. Recall that at the moment Ermolaeva is in her last month of pregnancy.

      “I was inundated with calls and messages from concerned in varying degrees to people who worry about me. My close friend kindness have published a post where I urged people to help me… many speculate now on my condition, groundless accusing me and Theon of fraud. It’s all true. Don’t get me wrong – soon the light will be my baby and all my thoughts are directed to his appearance into the world was not overshadowed by anything. Plus there is an older toddler who requires a lot of time, effort and attention. I was very nervous from all sides, and I’m afraid worsening. Don’t get me wrong,” this post made Daria in his microblog.

      The young woman also thanked the members and friends for help and support. According to Daria, she’s going to account for collected using the friend’s money. Yermolayev also told that the beginning of the renovation of the dwelling affected by natural disasters.