The Director and the photographer said “StarHit” why go to a musical project. According to Aslan Akhmadov, ward, Polina Gagarina, the wife Irina sent him in the show “the Voice,” while threatening divorce.
Director and photographer, Aslan Akhmadov went to the show “the Voice” on the advice of his wife. The man was in command Polina Gagarina successfully passed the “blind auditions”. Ahmadov spoke about his difficult path to fame, about how he lived in Moscow in the nineties and hard about your calling. Unfortunately, Aslan was not able to defeat teammate Kate Couscou. Polina Gagarina had to say goodbye to him after he performed the song “Winter in your heart” eve Polna.
Aslan, why have you come to try the forces in “the Voice”, because you had so many successful projects in the field show business?
My participation in this show two years insisted my beloved wife. When this year she learned that is casting, she told me that if I don’t participate, then divorce me. She has a wonderful sense of humor, but just in case, risk is not. And besides, I love experiencing the thrill, it was like the “Voice” of their guarantees. To be on this stage is very exciting. On “Voice” you on the exam where you have to evaluate in the eyes of millions of audience or as competition. But this experience is very interesting for me. Such emotions make life. —
What emotions did you experience when the coach said that he takes you in his team?
Excitement gripped me by the hands, feet and vocal cords. I myself would not have turned, but turned to me Polina Gagarina, and then Leonid Agutin. I certainly was flattered by their choice. Two beautiful, I respected the artist. It’s really nice that they found it interesting. I chose Pauline.
Did you study professional vocal?
I was always interested in the emotional side of singing, and Lyudmila Gurchenko, who also never studied singing, always said, “they must Sing no diaphragm, no lungs, and soul.” Working on recording songs together, I learned what I had not taught for many years at the Royal Conservatory. But now I was curious to delve into the technical side of singing. This has opened new opportunities for me. I’m working with a wonderful teacher, Nikolai Chermoshentseva, he helped me with the preparation and accompanied during the “blind auditions”.—
Supported whether you have friends and family with the idea to participate in “the Voice”?
About my participation in the show knew so many friends, I have even a little bit. All of them were in the “support group”: Senin, Sergey, Sergey Shendrik, Jacqueline Migal, Nikita Nebogin. They were around all the time. —
Whom consider as the main competitors?
This year a very strong set of members, definitely I’m not competitive. In my opinion, it was quite obvious that there for a long time will not last. —
Very little is known about how you conquered Moscow in the midst of restructuring. As you have made the decision to leave Baku? Did you have someone?
I left my home city of Baku in the early 90s, because it seemed to me, life in Moscow, could open new horizons to me. I was interested to test their strength, to understand that I am. —
How did you live the first time in Moscow? Once you found a job and housing? Enough money for food?
There were different times. Had to survive. Sometimes it was a choice between which to buy a loaf of bread or metro. To get a job in Moscow with my higher education was impossible. To earn some money, I became an assistant hairdresser, I quite cleverly I did it, what helped me grow to a good master. Thanks to this kind of activity, I met then a very popular singer Aziza. We became good friends, she introduced me to her colleagues, Irina Ponarovskaya and lolita.
How did you subsequently get into the leading glossy magazines as a photographer?
Photography was my childhood passion. I’ve always shot a lot, but never thought it would become my serious profession. I photographed the artists with whom she worked as a stylist. I have gathered quite a good portfolio. I met with photomedicine different glossy magazines, showed them their work, in one day, my efforts were crowned with success, I was asked to do a shooting for the fashion at the time of the NRG journal. This project began my career as photographer. —
As fate brought you with Lyudmila Gurchenko?
With Lyudmila Markovna we were introduced by our friend, designer Helen Yermak. —
Why in 2003 you decided to try yourself in the fashion industry?
I was the founder of the group Fresh Art. Aziz asked me to find her dancers for his new show program. Alexander Siradekian met at the club, he was a dancer in the group “on-On”. I offered him a job in the team of Aziza, literally bought, offering a salary twice more than the one he received in boysband. Alex suggested as the second dancer David Gevorkov, who at that time lived in Georgia. We are very good friends, spent a lot of time together. The guys were very creative. They helped me on the set of music videos and concerts for artists with whom I worked. Alex fine was responsible for administration, David is well versed in fashion. Joint work has opened for us new horizons of opportunities. Our career began to grow rapidly. Our fashion show was a great event in the world of national fashion industry. It was strange, because none of us had to do special education. —
What is your exhibition was first presented at the Museum?
My first large Museum exhibition is the project “Indian summer”. The exhibition was a great success in many cities of Russia, where they were presented.—
As held a personal exhibition of a series of fotobetrachter “RED” in the Moscow Museum of Modern Art?
Project “Red” originally by the project-it was not. It was a picture that I drew for many years. Once they saw my friend Sergey Shendrik, he was so inspired by them that he offered to produce the show. Our mutual friend Miranda Mirianashvili helped to arrange a meeting with Vasily Z. Tsereteli, we met, showed the work, said the project’s concept. Basil said that our project fits into the concept of the Museum, we were put in the schedule, and a year later, the opening of the Museum of Modern Art on Gogol Boulevard. —
Most of your fans remember the multimedia project “My Lucy” and “Indian summer”. What inspired you while working on a series of images with consummate actress?
In the work on the project “My Lucy”, the main source of inspiration for me was Lyudmila Markovna. In my opinion, looking at pictures, it can be noticed.
Tell us about your family. You recently had a son. How will you combine the education of the heir from participation in the show “the Voice”?
His name is Tabriz, it is almost one year. Don’t quite understand what difficulties I have to face in the upbringing of his son, being a member of the show “the Voice”?—
Do you have disagreements with spouse? Are you jealous wife, because she probably has a lot of fans?
My wife and I love each other, and we have a full understanding. Wife I’m not jealous, I love her and trust in all that is native and loyal to me. —
You still live in the two countries with the family? You usually are in Russia, a wife in Ukraine..
I still live between two countries, but if we face a choice: to be with the family or in a country where I have a job, I will not hesitate to make a choice in favor of the family! The work I will be able to find anywhere.