Экс-участница "Серебро" Дарья Шашина сочеталась узами брака с избранником
Recently the former participant of popular group “Silver” Daria Shashina married her beloved Ivan Chebanov, who participated in the project “Voice” channel.

Экс-участница "Серебро" Дарья Шашина сочеталась узами брака с избранником

The lovers are serious about preparing for the wedding and have thought through all the details to chance. Couple ordered to exit the registration and everything went as it was planned in advance.

Экс-участница "Серебро" Дарья Шашина сочеталась узами брака с избранником

“Time to get even happier,” wrote Ivan in Instagram.

At the celebration were invited the relatives and friends of the couple. The couple took lessons in dance. In the end, they danced an incendiary salsa, surprising all present.

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