Евгений Смирнов решил помочь особенным детям
Popular dancer Evgeny Smirnov, who became famous thanks to the participation in the project “Dances” and “Minute of fame”, decided to pay attention to special children.

Евгений Смирнов решил помочь особенным детям

Many viewers admired the courage of the men, seeing that he is a professional dancer, though, and lost his leg in a horrific accident.

Eugene decided to help children who are deprived of something because of the circumstances.

Dancer interested in this project 2 years ago. During this time he visited many cities of Russia, wanting to know about the interest in this project.

“I wanted to understand whether dance lessons with a special interest in children, whether it is, and if so, how difficult will it be to do, are the children mentally. After the trip I realized that the demand for such classes is. And children are so fond of dancing that they just don’t stop,” said Smirnov.

One has only to admire the courage of the dancer.

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