Евгений Князев: «Статус артиста зависит от этажа, на котором его гримерная»
The actor spoke about the secret hierarchy in the Vakhtangov theatre.

Evgeny Knyazev

Photo: Dmitry Vorontsov/TASS

As it turned out, in the Vakhtangov theatre has a strict hierarchy. “The new guy” please put the dressing on the fourth floor. Then, as appear to the role, status, respect, the actor is sinking lower and lower. “When you’re moving on the first floor in the dressing room at the scene, to our main makeup artist Ivan Dmitrievich Sokolov, it means that you have attained serious status, you have grown — reveals the secret Yevgeny Knyazev. — On each floor and their costumers. On the ground — the most serious ladies. I had a surprisingly solemn feeling, when I was first on the ground floor up Ivan Dmitrievich, and helped to dress by Alexander I. Odinokova. I remember she put on me coat, holds back the hand and said, “Very flattering, you can wear tuxedos. I suggest you never get out of this size. Do you have samples: look at the Bob Lanovoy. He came to the theater, still in the same size and remains.” I remember that we need to be able to keep in shape. By the way, I still have no costume is not expanded”.

Full interview with Evgenie Knyazev read here>>