Эвелина Хромченко открыла правду про свои пластические операции
Star showed a stock photo.

Эвелина Хромченко открыла правду про свои пластические операции

Evelina Khromtchenko

Photo: @evelinakhromtchenko Instagram Evelina khromtchenko

Evelina Khromtchenko


Evelina khromtchenko looks so great that detractors regularly start rumors about plastic. Star such suspicions are always confused, so she decided to set the record straight and show how you looked in youth.

“Here I am 17 years old, I’m student of journalism of Moscow state University, already rid of the “wet chemistry”, but still do not know that one day there will be social, and it gets the trolls who will accuse me of being a plastic nose… And Yes, those are my natural brows!” — signed his portrait of Evelina. Hair TV presenter at the time painted with henna.

Incidentally, the photo Khromchenko gathered a lot of compliments. “So pretty! Brunette was great!”, “Completely different! Child! And so much mischief in the eyes!”, “Never would have known, just another person, but certainly beautiful!” commented followers of Evelina.

By the way, already at that time, khromtchenko has been associated with her future vocation. She was a show about fashion for teenage girls on the radio.