Эвелина Бледанс убирает жировые складочки
The presenter had the extra weight.

Эвелина Бледанс убирает жировые складочки

Evelina Bledans

Evelina Bledans went to the “medical tour” in France.
According to the presenter, the world health organization recognized the French
the best medicine in the world, besides it is much cheaper than the popular German stars or in

First she took my son to This for consultation to
local pediatrician, and, of course, she has not stood aside. Despite
what Bledans always looks perfect, and her figure is the envy of the
successful top-model, TV host still finds flaws in yourself. After giving birth
Evelina was confused about the fat folds on the back, and finally she had
the ability to get rid of them.

Evelina Bledans

“I struggle with pleats on the back, rest after the birth, —
shared Evelyn. — Cryolipolysis cools the adipose tissue to the sub-zero
temperature (freeze the fat), and it is converted into crystals, breaks
adipose membrane, and the fat cell dies and is excreted naturally. It’s not a salon treatment, it should only be done in the clinic, because if used incorrectly
you may burn. To me it makes one of the best plastic surgeons

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