Эвелина Бледанс объявила сбор средств на лечение смертельно больной сестры

Evelina Bledans became one of the heroes of the program “the Secret” one million, where the money would reveal his secrets.

In the Studio it turned out that the stars of “Masks-show” has a sister named Diana, who today is seriously ill. As it turned out, the journalists, the woman has cirrhosis of the liver. The situation is fixable, but requires large financial costs, which Diana and her family just yet.

According to users, the man can count Diana is her sister Evelyn.

People believe that the actress is obliged to help sick relatives and to pay for her treatment. But Bledans a different opinion on this subject: “I read a Lot from you different advice, for which many thanks to all. The main thing for which you condemn me, calling the very evil that I do not want to organize a fundraiser for the life of the sisters. And many sincerely wanted to help. And, despite the fact that probably, as suggested in the Studio, now you will hear: “You’re a star, you pay,” write an account to collect money. I have no spare million, I can’t promise that will help. Now they came to visit. But I also have debts, credits, I’m not going to lie, that will start to help. I don’t have the money, I their child with down syndrome flying with his love, his upbringing, his attention. I don’t buy him the pills millions”, — I met Evelina in Instagram.

But what do you think, should the actress to help his sister, who still spoke very rarely?