Евгения Феофилактова сообщила об отношениях сына и Антона Гусева
Literally recently it became known about the separation of former participants of the home country telestroke Anton Gusev and Victoria romanet.

Евгения Феофилактова сообщила об отношениях сына и Антона Гусева

Victoria accused Anton that she was providing him. To which the young man was indignant and replied that earns 200 thousand rubles per month, so it is able to contain not only his chosen one, and son from his first marriage with Eugenia Feofilaktova.

Евгения Феофилактова сообщила об отношениях сына и Антона Гусева

Eugene was shocked by such a statement by the former spouse.

“Ex-husband saw the baby a month ago. After breaking up with Vic, he became interested in the son often call me and nanny. He says he wants to see, but so far it’s only words. I don’t like to talk, I need the facts: I want to see – come. But Anton said that first they will find a new home. A child constantly asks where dad is – I don’t know what he has to answer. Apparently, Anton remembered who his most close person, – has shared with journalists Feofilaktova. – As for help – Anton son bought a tracksuit and handed over six thousand”.

Eugene believes that in a short time Anton and Victoria reconciled, and even still get married.

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