Эвклид Кюрдзидис женится
48-year-old actor spoke about love and change in his personal life.

Эвклид Кюрдзидис женится

Euclid Kyurdzidis

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Эвклид Кюрдзидис женится

Euclid Kyurdzidis

Photo: Yury Feklistov

Eligible bachelor Euclid kyurdzidis finally decided to enter into a legal marriage. 48-year-old actor is still not married. And now he publicly stated that he decided to end unmarried life. However, “Get Married!” Euclid said in the registry office, and sang on his solo concert in the legendary House record on Nikita (now there’s teleradiokompania “Culture”). And it was the first line of the song from the popular movie “Straw hat” (in the film she was played by Andrey Mironov).

Euclid Kyurdzidis

Photo: Yury Feklistov

The program of poems and songs about love Eculid sang accompanied by the Academic orchestra
Russian folk instruments them. N. N. Nekrasov. Euclid sang and read romantic lines of Pushkin, Gumilev, Esenin, Yankee, Christmas, Okudzhava. And in the end of the recording, the actor even danced, having begun to whirl in a waltz, one of the trainees!