Вечная молодость Алёны Хмельницкой вызвала жаркие споры в Сети
The actress struck the daughter.

Alena Khmelnitskaya with daughter Alexandra

Photo: @alxmel IInstagram Alena Khmelnytsky

Alena Khmelnitskaya recently published by the provoked heated debate on the Network. The frame was made public, the actress is depicted standing next to the daughter — 23-year-old Alexandra. The main theme of most part of the requests of fans for Allen — requests to reveal the secret of youth. Surprising: Khmelnytskyi is 47 year, and she still looks contemporary daughter. It’s not the first time I notice and loyal fans, admires the looks of Alena.

“How so? Sasha is growing up, and my mother looks younger, Amazing, as if the two sisters”, “Alain, You, I think, timeless. Absolutely do not change. In the freezer sit”, “Rejuvenating apples?”, “Allen, you just become more luxurious and become”, “What a beautiful… your eyes!”, — praise Khmelnitsky fans.

While fans wonder how the actress manages to maintain “eternal youth” Alena herself thoughtfully shrugs. She admits that she doesn’t do anything special. Khmelnytska, like many works at the gym and watching the diet. And the food Alena often makes his “indulgences”. Probably on the exterior Alena reflected her zest for life and internal harmony.