Елизавете II сегодня исполняется 91 год
The British Queen has fallen out of love with lavish celebrations.

Queen Elizabeth II


Although today Elizabeth II celebrates 91 years of age, as it is not
amazing special celebrations on this occasion in the UK are not planned. Official
a celebration in honor of the most long
reigning British Queen limited
artillery salute, which will be produced in the tower of London and Hyde Park.

Well, in the family circle, the Queen confined to the conservative party.
Such a modest programme there are two reasons. First, although the official day
birth of Elizabeth on 21 April, according to the historical tradition, the official
the celebration of the jubilees of British monarchs are held in the summer, when
variable and capricious weather of this country
allows to arrange outdoor activities. This usually occurs in
the second Saturday of June, when is the review of the troops, called Trooping The Colour, also known as a Parade in Honor of the Birthday

As for the second reason why today is not
will be arranged no big party or reception, then the “blame” myself
Elizabeth. The fact that the last time the Queen has resolutely fallen out of love with lush
celebration. And if last year she was unable to shy away from celebrating
his 90th birthday, which took place on a truly Grand scale, then
to celebrate in the same style another its anniversary, which came at the beginning of February
this year is the 65th anniversary of his accession to the throne, she refused.
“Actually, when you live as long as I
from time to time in your life inevitably meet round date. And I
just another confirmation of this rule…” – commented on his
the decision Elizabeth.