Элизабет Херли позволяет сыну снимать ее в откровенных образах
Quite often on the personal page in the social network of the famous actress Elizabeth Hurley appear very candid photos.

Элизабет Херли позволяет сыну снимать ее в откровенных образах

Elizabeth produces her own line of swimwear so often she shows them on the page. Recently Hurley was shocked, saying that these pictures make her 15-year-old son.

Элизабет Херли позволяет сыну снимать ее в откровенных образах

“He makes some pictures, but I have friends who I can torture for the sake of the photo,” said the actress.

Followers were horrified to learn this information, they were outraged that Elizabeth allows her son to remove her half-naked form.

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