Элина Камирен круто изменила жизнь после поездки в США Eks-the participant “Houses-2” has explained why he decided to become a brunette. Elina Kamiren frankly told “StarHit” about what has become very selective in the posts on Instagram about why she went to America and why became less likely to show subscribers the daughter Sasha.

      One of the brightest former participants of the reality show “Dom-2” Elina Kamiren and after leaving the project, continues to hold the attention of fans. Fans will not cease to be interested in the life of a star by monitoring publications in the “Instagrame” Kamiren. Recently, however, the model and businesswoman has become very selective and cautious about what appears in her microblog. More recently, Frank and open Kamiren Elina stopped to share personal experiences with followers.

      “Frankly, I’m tired of gossip and rumors about me, – admitted Elina Kamiren in an interview with “StarHit”. I don’t know why people that take. Sometimes even interesting to read about what I had no idea… I wanted to get away from everything for a little while. Now for me the priority is my daughter Sasha. About my personal life I will not tell. Absolutely agree with the statement that happiness loves silence. I have so much time parading it around, I have now formed a strong immunity against it. As for Sasha Zadoinov… And I’m not about it to say anything?”

      Elina Kamiren also explained why in her microblog fewer snaps of her two year old daughter Sasha. As it turned out, wasn’t nice to her statements, which were afforded some detractors.

      “Alexander now put rarely – continues Elina Kamiren. – Among my subscribers come across different people. Most, of course, cute and decent, but some write sometimes… But in Instagram comments can and clean. And when this is spread on different groups, it will not stop. I don’t care what is written about me but for my daughter I can break!”

      The other day Elina Kamiren made everyone once again to talk about himself, turning from a luxurious blonde to beautiful brunette. Rich chocolate hair color incredibly is a young woman that said her loyal fans. Admitted as Elina, in a new way she feels harmonious and comfortable.

      Elina Kamiren radically changed her image

      “The fact that I don’t feel like a blonde, it varies with my inner world, – says Elina. – I wanted to change, to become like this, to watch myself and get high. Accidentally I stumbled upon one blogersha from Turkey with incredibly beautiful hair color and I decided that I wanted just that. Went and repainted. And all so perfectly turned out. I was very inspired by Kim Kardashian. Not in terms of figures but in terms of attitude to your appearance.”

      A few weeks ago subscribers Elina Kamiren admired her photographs taken during a trip to America. They bombarded the star with questions about her journey over the ocean. Businesswoman explained in an interview with “StarHit”. In the US it traveled at the invitation of a friend.

      “She lives in Los Angeles, in new York, her fiance, and he flew away on business in another country. The apartment was free, and I decided to take this opportunity, – said Elina Kamiren. – I quickly bought a one way ticket, my visa was, nine hours of flights, and now I’m on another continent. Daughter is not taken, for certain reasons. Could be difficult at customs. In America, not welcome, when you go to the country for the first time and take a child. There is a suspicion that can stay in the country. And next time we will fly together with Sasha in Los Angeles”.