Элина Камирен через суд пытается добиться лишения родительских прав Александра Задойнова
For the personal lives of stars main telestroke of the country Alexander Zagainov and Elina Kamiren watched with interest by fans of the reality show.

Элина Камирен через суд пытается добиться лишения родительских прав Александра Задойнова

The young people had become parents, but after some time put an end to the relationship. Recently Alexander in an interview complained about the fact that she does not allow him to see her, the woman of a different opinion.

Элина Камирен через суд пытается добиться лишения родительских прав Александра Задойнова

“He never called us until the day of her birth somewhere from September to December. Then he reached out, and when I asked where he had gone, Sasha replied that he did not have time. Of course, to go live with fans almost every day he can, and to communicate with the child – no. I now solved this issue with the lawyers. We want to get him a waiver of parental rights,” said Kamiren.

According to Elina, she was never against dialogue father-daughter, but Alexander showed no interest in the baby.

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