Элина Камирен решила измениться после поездки в Америку
The former participant of the TV project “Dom-2” Elina Kamiren is under the scrutiny of their fans.

Элина Камирен решила измениться после поездки в Америку

Members try not to miss information coming from the girl in “Instagram”. But many have noticed that the last time Frank posts, in which she shares her experiences, began to appear less and less.

“Frankly, I’m tired of gossip and rumors about me, – said Elina. I don’t know why people that take. Sometimes even interesting to read about what I had no idea… I wanted to get away from everything for a little while. Now for me the priority is my daughter Sasha. About my personal life I will not tell. Absolutely agree with the statement that happiness loves silence. I have so much time parading it around, I have now formed a strong immunity against it. As for Sasha Zadoinov… And I’m not about it to say anything?”

Less published pictures of her little daughter.

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