Famous TV presenter spoke openly about their personal experiences.
Elena Flying with her fiance Yuri Analogovym
Photo: Elizabeth Karpushkina
Before the wedding, Helen
Fly had a nightmare. The famous host shared with fans
their feelings about the nightmare. “I had a terrible dream two nasty
snake with jaws like a bulldog stared at me and tried to strangle him. I
woke up horrified from this dream. And not that I didn’t know who those two are
nasty zmeyuki, trying to bite me and in the dream, in reality, unpleasant
the feeling I had, and I decided to power through rain and earth. And
you know everything in this life for the better, the main thing to believe it! And if you go back to
to dream of a snake at the end of the dream, died!” — said Elena.
Many subscribers
the presenter saw in this unusual dream, an omen of trouble.
However, she Flying trying to forget about the unpleasant nightmare, sending
all of its efforts on organization of the upcoming wedding.
Just about to
to be assigned to the wedding of Helen and her fiance Yuri Anashenkov. Recently, in the framework of
the award “MUZ-TV”, Fly said: the triumph is sure to take place in the summer, but
the exact date is kept secret. But the details of preparing for the wedding she
I decided to share. So, it became known that Elena will show off wedding dress from Vera Wang. A few days ago Flying start to get ready for the honeymoon. The presenter buys the most stylish swimwear for their honeymoon.