Елена Летучая и Эдгард Запашный пишут книгу
The two stars are preparing a joint project for children.

Елена Летучая и Эдгард Запашный пишут книгу

Elena Letuchaya

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Edgard Zapashny


Elena — a staunch fighter for the purity of the language, it is even organized in the social network flashmob “the Lexicon is the head of everything”. But this did not stop, decided to write a book that will help children to competently talk. And since childhood, her favorite book was about the circus, she went with his idea to Edgar Zapadnomu.

Born a creative tandem: the trainer tells stories about animals, and Lena their records. The book they called “Pro-circus”, has already prepared a colorful cover with the arena and the tigers. “We are only at the beginning, and I’m very pleased. Hug this cover and think it’s perfect” — shared Volatile. In the book there are stories not only about the tigers, bears and lions, but also horses and goats — Pets 6-year-old daughter’s trainer Stephanie.

By the way, my daughter’s brothers
Zapashny seriously engaged in gymnastics and are ready to become circus artists.
“Girls already serve in many regional
competitions. I’m sure next year they will have
involved in the performances at the circus, — tells Edgard. — Admitted
this year will be the premiere of the eldest daughter
brother of Eva Zapashny in the production of “Angels’s”. She is the eldest of the children,
priority is given to her.”