In the 18 years she was a real beauty.
Photo: Instagram
Haters who criticized Elena Vaenga abuse of plastic surgery, can shut up: the singer posted on her personal blog his photo taken 23 years ago. It can be seen that the shape of nose or lips or cheekbones over the years, the stars haven’t changed! However, then Elena was a little more slender, but this is not surprising.
“How beautiful!”, “Delicate flower!”, “There’s a young beauty, now — Mature!” such compliments from fans won Vaenga.
Interestingly, when the future star was only 18, she already had cosmetic. 10 years later, when the singer became popular, it absolutely was to apply makeup even during photo shoots. “I am what I am!” — she said. And hated to pose for photographers. After some time she again changed position on this question and in magazines began to appear photos of Helen “fully prepared”.
Now Vaenga loves experiments. And it’s always spectacular make up, like she just got up out of the chair best make-up artists. Some fans attribute this to the fact that just half a year ago Elena married her lover, the Affair with. And now she wants to be for him the most beautiful in the world.