Елена Ваенга напугала снимками из больницы
A few days ago, on 10 November, the singer Elena Vaenga a big way celebrated police officers.

Елена Ваенга напугала снимками из больницы

This evening Elena was in St. Petersburg, speaking in the concert hall before guards. Media wrote that Elena left the event one of the last.

But after two days in Instagram Elena had alarming records and pictures from the hospital:

“memories of my life…….” – in the picture marked with geolocation – Vvedenskaya hospital.

Елена Ваенга напугала снимками из больницы

“looks like a dying pain…….. spare time only…..and tears of children, the family he hadn’t justified go to the hospital and beat a tattoo. responsibility,honor,faith, loyalty, and the name of his son IVAN.”

That hospitalized the singer herself – there was no information, so many believe that the way Elena reminded herself how bad she was and that we should not get into these walls again. Or have something bad happen with someone they know.

Fans wish happiness and health to Elena, hoping that soon the pictures of the walls in the hospital will replace the usual fun family pictures.

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