Елена Степунина получает финансовую помощь на лечение рака
Ex-member of popular reality show “Dom-2” Elena Stepunina now all his strength was thrown for the treatment of cancer.

Елена Степунина получает финансовую помощь на лечение рака

Transaction cannot be done because the tumor is too close to the heart, so she is medication. Not all treatments have the opportunity to go for free and it is supported by the fans.

Елена Степунина получает финансовую помощь на лечение рака

“I help subscribers. I until the full amount is not paid. They are parts of the bill. But already about 200 thousand turned out”, – she admitted to journalists.

Recall that Helena has a little son, who is only a year old, we wish the girl would rather fight a terrible disease and return to his family.

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