Елена Воробей пытается вновь стать женственной The Joker decided to radically change the image. The audience was used to seeing her on stage in the image of the awkward teenager or funny dancer. Now Elena Sparrow decided to try an elegant black dress, which was announced to fans in the Network.

Elena Sparrow for several decades trying to follow a proper diet, eliminating from the diet of high-calorie foods that contain salt, sugar and fats. Thus, the artist maintains the shape. Despite the chiseled form, Helen rarely wears tight outfits. The Joker admitted that dress for her is not always easy. This time, however, Elena decided to take a chance and tried on a black sheath dress. The actress asked the fans whether it be the style.

“Friends! First, congratulations to all the spring! And secondly, how do you like this outfit? I honestly rarely wear a dress, because in jeans I, like most people on the planet, the “drive”. But I hope, for all this daily fuss and desire to do everything possible, I have not squandered their femininity to the bottom?! I appreciate your comment…” – wrote comedian on Instagram.

Fans appreciated the efforts of umoristi. “Very beautiful and talented!”, “Definitely a compliment!”, “Great! Slender and slim!”, “Beautiful dress! Great body! Nothing excessive… Everything in place”, “Super”, “So beautiful!”, “Lena, you’re beautiful in everything, and the dress suits you very much!”, “Well done! Helen, good job on yourself, you’re wise,” said fan of the artist.

Sparrow said in an interview that for the figures had to limit yourself to food. In Helena there are diet low calorie soups, salads without adding oil, mayonnaise. “Almost doesn’t use any flour or sugar. A long time be without sugar and almost no salt food. But sometimes you want potatoes in their skins, not on holidays, and on weekdays. So in the evening after the performance I have from time to time, please bake it for me and after cooking, cut into smaller pieces to have the feeling that a lot of it, and then enjoy the process. What is this life if not at least sometimes to pamper yourself a favorite dish?” – shared Elena.

Elena Sparrow told about the harmful addiction.