Елена Преснякова попала в аварию, которая повлекла за собой смерть человека

The soloist of “Samotsvety” Elena Presnyakov had an accident that resulted in the death of a person.

The accident occurred on the night of 28 August, when Elena along with his driver were returning from a concert in Tver.

Presnyakov was in the passenger seat, therefore, is a witness of the incident. According to Elena, the man who was under the wheel of her car, and after died from his injuries, was drunk and jumped in front of the car unexpectedly. “I in shock, tells Presnyakov. The driver went to the police, understands. The man was clearly drunk. Jumped out, directly rushed under the car. I was not injured, was traveling at a low speed. I’m in such a state that today is very scattered… I’m so sorry the dead man and my driver, who was in this situation.

At the moment the identity of the deceased is not established. It is known that the pedestrian was crossing the highway in the wrong place, at the site, where there is no pedestrian crossing markings and installed traffic lights.

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