Leading constantly gets into trouble. Elena Letuchaya demonstrates exceptional restraint, trying not to freak out in those moments when the other person might explode from emotion.
The ex-host of the program “Revizorro” Elena Letuchaya enjoys his family life with businessman Yuri Analogovym. After the wedding in Greece and honeymoon in the Maldives, the couple returned to rainy Moscow. The star of the ether started to work and plunged into the maelstrom of the city’s events.
The rhythm of Elena’s life does not allow her to waste time. For the drive, every minute. So when Flying in the morning found his car full of other cars, she was ready to boil from indignation. However, instead, the celebrity has collected will in a fist and wrote a polite appeal to the owner prevent it from the vehicle.
“I am glad that people want to be closer and parked back to back. Can simply insure against theft? Thoughtful, but I’m late, I have work of national importance. “Caring neighbour”, if you see this post, quick releases, and you will have happiness! Who #neustrasse – that I” – he left in his microblog post, Elena.
Barely having time for, Flying collided with another stressful situation. Leading had to stand in a queue, after which she was again alone with his own thoughts. However, and here Elena tried to remain calm.
“And this happened?! Standing in line for about an hour, and then a cute girl smiled at me and closes the front window and puts a sign: break 40 min. And surely someone will think I got mad and made a scene, but I just wished the girl good appetite. Sit enjoy favorite magazine. I’m not easy to ruffle. Stay calm in all situations,” wrote the star
Meanwhile, the event that happened with the lead the day before, still really set her off. Flying ordered one of the companies which manufactures diet. Apparently, the managers failed to deliver on time. Elena could not resist and published an angry appeal to the leadership of the firm.
“Within two days fast on set! Work 12 hours and the possibility of somewhere to buy or order food there! Trust You with their health and peace of mind, in the end gnaw drying and drink terrible tea bags where necessary and where time! Disappointment,” stated celebrity.