Елена Летучая возмущена поведением новых ведущих "Ревизорро"
For several years Elena Letuchaya led the program “Revizorro”, but even after leaving her with interest for the future life program.

Елена Летучая возмущена поведением новых ведущих "Ревизорро"

In an interview with Dmitry Levitsky Elena spoke, as she refers to the work of the new leading “Revizorro”. Flying first place went to Olga Romanovskaya, which replaced Nastasya Samburski.

Елена Летучая возмущена поведением новых ведущих "Ревизорро"

“What can I be jealous of others leading, and they all killed my show. Romanov I’m all for not leading think — my hair was moving from what happened there, but it did not last long. As for Samburski, she’s an actress and just playing. Now the ratings they have these anymore,” said Elena.

According to the presenter, filming wasn’t easy for her, every time she felt fear and confusion.

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