Елена Летучая встретилась с морскими чудовищами
The TV presenter posted a shocking video.


12 hours

Елена Летучая встретилась с морскими чудовищами

Giant sea devil. For many years I wanted to see them with my own eyes. Tried in different parts of the world, but failed. The Maldives prepared me the most welcome gift! To say that it is memorable – to say nothing! #sharemyfs #fsmaldives

Elena Letuchaya resting with her husband Yuria’s by Anashenkov on
Maldives. There, the couple decided to spend their honeymoon.

In “Paradise” —
so the presenter calls this resort, dearest wish fulfilled stars
see giant stingrays, which are also called marine

“For many years dreamed of seeing the giant manta ray
his eyes — shares Volatile. — Tried to meet them in different parts of the
of the earth, but failed. The Maldives gave me the most welcome gift!
To say that it was unforgettable, to say nothing!”

Exciting meetings for the sake of Elena, together with her husband
chartered a yacht and went to the place where the assurances of a guide often seen the majestic manta rays.

Premonitions of the guide has not deceived, and Elena hour admiring the giants, floating
next to these amazing fish. A significant event in the life of a presenter
a loving husband took video.

We will remind, Elena came
married five days ago and immediately flew to their honeymoon.

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