Елена Кулецкая отважится на роды по-старинке Top model is not afraid of pain. Elena Kuletskaya is planning to give birth without anesthesia natural way. In addition, the star does not exclude that at the crucial moment next to her will be loved by the husband. The star has been selected perinatal center.

      Елена Кулецкая отважится на роды по-старинке

      Elena Kuletskaya counting down the days until the birth. Her first child should be born to fly. Ex-girlfriend Dima Bilan does not hide its interesting position and gladly posing for glossy magazines. Top model decided to give birth in Moscow. She had seen countries such as France and the United States, however, realized that to be in such an important time away from loved ones will be very hard. Hence, the star opted for a prestigious perinatal centers in the suburbs.

      Despite the fact that labor will begin within a few months, Elena had not attended any specialized courses for expectant mothers. The model considers that at the right time she will tell the midwife. Moreover, Kuletskaya has no fear of the most incredible moment in the life of every woman.

      “Our mothers and grandmothers gave birth in a normal, and nothing after the first. I’m not going to insist on anesthesia, but also will not speak to me in any case did not. If I understand that they cannot cope with pain threshold or too tired, but all the work still ahead, why bare not to help and not to anesthetize, especially because the degree of sensitivity can be adjusted, – says the star. – It seems to me that during childbirth the most important thing is mental attitude. The kid will have to endure enormous stress, so I will try to keep calm, to give him less of the fear and negativity”.

      It is worth noting that Elena their superstitious reasons had already decided not to buy a dowry for a future child. In this she was supported by husband, Director of photography Stanislav Romanovsky. He promised to take the trouble on acquiring crib and changing table for baby, while Kuletskaya will be in the hospital.

      By the way, top model don’t mind her choice was nearby during childbirth. It turns out that he had already seen live this Ordinance, when filming the documentary “life Line”. “The most I would allow her husband – that he stood behind me, held my hand and stroked his hair… Although, I probably will not up to it,” concludes Kuletskaya in an interview with the magazine “OK!”.

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