Екатерина Вилкова рассказала о недостатках своего мужа
Actress on who to build relationships in their family.

Екатерина Вилкова рассказала о недостатках своего мужа

Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov with daughter Paula and son Peter

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov has been married for six years, but, as it turned out, never celebrated a wedding anniversary.

“Even the flowers seldom gives Ilya — smiling actress. — But it gives me a lot more — to enable everything. I’m unable to buy anything, anywhere to go or go. I can consult with him on any issue, but to make his own way. Can work out how many I want. No, Ilya, of course, worried that I am tired that sometimes shooting can be very difficult. He feels responsibility for me. We have a family and he is the head. And it’s great! I don’t have to make important decisions, around can husband to rely on. And I have no restrictions — complete permissiveness. Perhaps, however, this is because I don’t want anything banned? (Laughs.)

Vilkova admits that her husband has only one quality that upset her. “The biggest drawback of Elijah — his calmness in those situations when I’m nervous. It pisses me off. Although, when I come to, understand: if he now, too, throwing a tantrum, I probably would have died. Ilya eats terribly. After him on the floor and on the table remains the same pile of debris after the children. And I’m a big fussy and I need to everywhere was perfectly clean. Tried to deal with this — is meaningless. But Ilya so a lot of these advantages that this pile of debris — a trifle…”

The actress explained why she and her husband are not jealous of each other. “Because my husband and I work primarily for the money, it’s our main incentive. Maybe if we had a lot of money, we would not have worked. I certainly like what I do, and I am in some degree infected. But the work is still not the main thing in our life. However, maybe I say that because I had no downtime and I didn’t have to die worrying that I’m not invited to the shooting”.

The full interview with Ekaterina Vilkova read in the latest issue of the magazine.


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  • Екатерина Вилкова рассказала о недостатках своего мужа


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    Екатерина Вилкова рассказала о недостатках своего мужа



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  • Екатерина Вилкова рассказала о недостатках своего мужа
    Ekaterina Vilkova

  • Екатерина Вилкова рассказала о недостатках своего мужа
    Ilya Lyubimov

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