Екатерина Вилкова отметила первый юбилей дочери
In honor of the 5th anniversary of Paul the actress and her husband had a big celebration.

Екатерина Вилкова отметила первый юбилей дочери

Ekaterina Vilkova and Ilya Lyubimov with daughter Paula and son Peter

Photo: Philip Goncharov

The birthday of his daughter Ilya Lubimov and Ekaterina Vilkova
celebrated in a big way. “We’ve had Fairies, and rose from the movie “Trolls”, and shows
soap bubbles, like a pet mini-pig, and a petting zoo… And
foam show the kids just squealed with joy!”, — shared the actress.

The couple have two children: five year old Paul and son Peter,
who in April fulfilled for three years. Vilkova admits that in stores
toys and children’s clothes, she turns into a Shopaholic. But the best things for
the daughter and the son she knits herself. “We do a lot of Paula toys with their
hands. Especially now special skills are required. This Soviet children
we had to try to swipe to cut out a snowflake or make
a sparkling rime of crushed glass toys. But now it is enough to connect
the final part is the finished powder-frost. It’s even our son Peter is in his early
three years perform” — says Ekaterina.

Ekaterina Vilkova with daughter Paula

Photo: Instagram Ekaterina Vilkova

The birthday of Paul received many gifts. ”
we generally modest girl. Before all the holidays asked for a balloon. I
would say about it is that it looks just like the heroine of the tale Aksakov that tatenice
just ordered scarlet flower. If I didn’t know how my daughter is amazing
can vyzyvayut gifts. She comes with us to the restaurant and if she likes
fork, flower, cushion, doily, can kneel, to lay down their arms
and to make this puppy dog face that the waiters immediately gave her any
the item as a gift. Or sit by strangers in the restaurant with a ball or a bouquet, and
Paul can come and beg for it. I think that sooner or later, from some
cafe she’s bringing the couch, if she’ll like it…” laughs Vilkova.