Екатерина Стриженова смогла сохранить свой брак, смирившись с недостатками мужа
Famous TV host Ekaterina Strizhenova for many years of happy marriage with her husband Alexander.

Екатерина Стриженова смогла сохранить свой брак, смирившись с недостатками мужа

Spouses are considered one of the strongest pairs in Russian show business. Catherine admits that for the sake of the marriage has to be reconciled with the many shortcomings of her husband.

Екатерина Стриженова смогла сохранить свой брак, смирившись с недостатками мужа

“Sometimes people break up is an emotional crisis happened, the fatigue had accumulated and then can’t remember why they divorced. Maybe it was nothing, maybe she was annoyed that husband never makes his bed. My husband never makes the bed. And never will be. So I’ve accepted it. He doesn’t ever wash their dishes and don’t clean up the plate. Says if there is a dishwasher, it is all about. And I have no questions for him. I had the husband do not say that in the dishwasher too is necessary to load the dishes and get her out. Sasha, which was taken off their clothes there and left. And I’m the same. Then go collect things throughout the apartment. It is necessary to know the characteristics of each other, it’s a very easy life,” – said TV presenter.

Recall, last fall the couple celebrated the 30th anniversary of their wedding.

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