Екатерина Стриженова поведала о том, что собирается стать бабушкой
Recently, well-known TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova celebrated its 50th anniversary.

Екатерина Стриженова поведала о том, что собирается стать бабушкой

The birthday girl together with her husband Alexander came to visit Ivan Urgant and made a surprise announcement. Catherine admitted that this year was the first time she will be a grandmother.

Екатерина Стриженова поведала о том, что собирается стать бабушкой

It turned out that the eldest daughter of TV presenter Anastasia is in an interesting position. And the news they told nobody and decided to do it only in the Studio.

Recall that Anastasia was married to his beloved Peter Grishchenko five years ago.

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