Екатерина Старшова: «Мне стали приходить сообщения с угрозами!»
The famous button from “Daddy’s daughters” reacted harshly to her talk about her pregnancy and marriage.

Ekaterina Starshova

Photo: Instagram

The star of the series “father’s daughter” Katya Starshova, a blog which recently has become extremely popular in the Network, seriously got angry at his followers. The young actress spoke harshly to the address of the Internet user, which in February managed to “reward” her with two statuses: girl “in position” and a happy bride.

“Things have gone too far! — outraged the actress. I don’t understand,
how can descend to man in order to his profile
as many subscribers. Blooming rumors about my pregnancy
crossed available border. Wanted to translate everything into a joke — not
turn out! Still need to have at least some respect to the other
Further. Photograph a “wedding” dress was
laid out as a symbol of that to me is really funny
to read about yourself so intimate details, which are not
a reliable information.

Actually the dress is not even white,
and pale pink.
Because of your so-called “promotion”, I began to receive messages from
threats. Another big
the number of people not averse to make fun of my “liberamente”. I am 16 years old, Hello! I don’t even have at the moment guy. What kind of
marriage can be a speech? What kind of pregnancy? Discontinue! It stopped being funny, now it only
problems. From now on this situation will be very clear