Екатерина Шумакова — откровенно о жизни до и после «Универа»
Watch online stream Ekaterina Velichenko 20 December at 18.00 (GMT)

Don’t miss online
the stream 7days.ru! This time in the form of Catherine
Velichenko coming star of the TV series “Univer” Ekaterina Shumakov. The actress first
be candid about how her life has changed after the role the twins Nicky;
about how twirled her affair with a classmate, and what to do with Paul
Priluchny in the new season of “Major.””I
nothing got just. The next step in your career required
effort and determination, — said Shumakov. — Perhaps this is true, although not
too nice to remember the moments when I wanted to tear my hair out or
just give up…”

The beginning Catherine
Velichenko and Catherine Shumakova — tomorrow , December 20, at 18.00.