Екатерина Одинцова стала свахой умудренного жизнью миллионера In mid-April on the channel “y” starts showing the new project in which a wealthy man looking for soulmate. The shootings are held in the house of the enviable groom, but it helps him and the contestants ex-wife of Boris Nemtsov Ekaterina Odintsova.
Екатерина Одинцова стала свахой умудренного жизнью миллионера

April 14 on TV channel “Yu” will premiere the new show “the Millionaire of marriageable age”, the leading of which was the owner of a PR Agency Ekaterina Odintsova. The project will involve 15 women. They will fight for the heart enviable groom with a decent status. The intent of the producers, the contestants settle in a country mansion a potential spouse, where “will plunge into the atmosphere of luxury and Bohemian life.”

The decision about who is more suited to the bachelor, will take his family. According to the press service, the responsibility for the selection your lady took on adult children of the main character. At the end of the show the winner will receive a proposal of marriage. After the couple married, millionaire will take the chosen one and her parents in Los Angeles. There will prepare the house for a new mistress.

Appearing in editions of the program, Ekaterina Odintsova actively shared their impressions in social networks. Businesswoman often gave the girls tips. So, once one of the participants asked Catherine about what she could advise yourself twenty years. Presenter was not prepared for this conversation.

“I forgot to tell her the most important thing: I would advise myself not to try to please everyone, because it is impossible and pointless. You should be able to make choices, to indicate their position and to defend it”, – said Odintsova.

Sometimes Catherine had to work at night, but the lead did not tired of such a big load. The star hinted that she did not have a relationship with some of the contestants.

“I missed only one day of shooting a reality, and are already missing our brave girls. And I am glad to have returned. Love surprises and night shooting. Glad the girls I return. Not all of them. But this is life,” said the presenter.

We will add that this spring on the “th” is also expected to premiere the project “Marry me”, where women themselves are to propose to his elect, and “Team wives. The players”. Heroines of the second show will be the couple famous athletes – Maria Pogrebnyak, Inna Zhirkova, Marina Shishkina, Alina Khomich and Ekaterina Malafeeva. “They are all different, but they still have one status. But is it really easy and stress free their life? What lies behind the glossy images in gossip columns and social networks?” – reported in a press-service. In addition, viewers will see the program “My mother-in-law – monster”, “a single dad wants to meet you” and “guess my couple”.