Екатерина Колисниченко рассекретила нового избранника The star of “House-2” met with a young man on vacation in Turkey. Now Ekaterina Kolisnichenko has to maintain a long-distance relationship. 30-year-old Alexander lives in Kiev, however, due to the means of communication constantly communicates with the girl.
Екатерина Колисниченко рассекретила нового избранника

In September last year, the star of “House-2” Ekaterina Kolisnichenko told the fans that she’s splitting up with her husband Nikita Kapelusze. According to her, the man was for her a wonderful husband, but over time Kolisnichenko realized that they weren’t right for each other. Ekaterina Kolisnichenko left the wife because of problems in bed

Despite the fact that the couple is still not divorced, Catherine considers herself a loose girl. Not so long ago she was seen in the company of a young man. They were together on holiday in Turkey. The star of “House-2” told about the new chosen one. She admitted that Alexander first sight caught her attention.

“One evening I went to the concert Timati. At the site there were many other guests from different hotels. And I see this tall guy all in white. He also drew attention to me, said, “Girl, can I meet you?” I thought, why not, shared the story of Catherine with “StarHit”. We started talking, but soon he had to leave.”

Catherine admits that the young man has made it a very pleasant experience. However, difficulties arise because of distance – Alexander Shepel lives in Ukraine. He is the owner of a chain of fitness clubs. “The problem is that he lives in Kiev, and in Moscow. Sasha still did not come to me, and I have to admit, it is not the time – now I’m getting ready to start your project. He also has a lot to do in the gym, he’s the champion,” admitted the star of “House-2”.

The star of “House-2” admitted that he always distrusted the holiday novels. She did not take such meetings seriously did not expect that they can develop into a serious relationship. Even now, Catherine is not sure, will continued her acquaintance with Alexander.

“I’m always wary of such holiday novels, I thought, what the hell. Anyway, vacation is over, and we go to different countries. To be honest, I don’t know now what will acquaintance with Sasha. We had a nice visit, walked along the promenade, saw the sun rise” – shares his fears Kolisnichenko.

Despite the workload, Alexander always finds time to talk with Catherine. She was pleased that she could discuss any topic.

“We talk on the phone several times a week. According to him, I’m the only one with which he would like to be, to stay all the time to be there to talk. While it feels right to communicate. I am very pleased when he asked how I was doing. Sometimes even consult with each other on some issues. Hopefully in the near future will come to him, he wants to arrange a photo session,” said Catherine.