Екатерина Климова рассказала, зачем летала в Вену на один день 1 января
The actress has denied rumors of a secret visit to the oligarch.

Ekaterina Klimova and her daughter Lisa

Photo: Philip Goncharov

Usually such Russian stars associated with the corporate events or private celebrations of rich people, where artists perform the role of “wedding generals”. But Klimov, which is quite popular in film and theater, were not previously seen at such events. Besides, spare time, she usually gives his children — they have four Actresses. As it turned out, to leave the festive Moscow made her desire for the beautiful. “A colleague told me about the amazing concert, which takes place January 1 in Vienna, in the famous Golden hall of Musikverein — says Catherine. — To gather music lovers from around the world. This year the Vienna Philharmonic orchestra played the 9th Symphony of Beethoven. And I decided that we, the eldest daughter Lisa can’t miss”.

31 Dec mother and daughter celebrated New year in the family circle, and on January 1 at 7 am was already flying to Vienna. They were not able to sleep neither in the plane nor in the day at the hotel because Catherine and Lisa went for a walk through the festively decorated Vienna.”Lisa claimed that will fall asleep in the middle of this “event,” continues the actress. — But not asleep! It turned out that Beethoven is not boring, she much liked. I must say that Lisa went to music school and knows a bit about music.”

The trip was tense, the 2nd of January mother and daughter returned to Moscow — Klimova had to go on stage in the play “Boeing-Boeing”. But Catherine sure that, when Lisa grows up, will remember this evening in Vienna.

Full interview of Ekaterina Klimova about the life of her creative family, please click here.