Екатерина Климова встала на защиту мужа из-за насмешек
Currently, the actress Ekaterina Klimova happy in a third marriage.

Екатерина Климова встала на защиту мужа из-за насмешек

In the summer of 2015 Catherine was married to actor Gela Meskhi, who is younger than her eight years. It was the age difference becomes a cause of ridicule from the public.

Екатерина Климова встала на защиту мужа из-за насмешек

“Sometimes relationships interfere with different stereotypes – for example, my husband is younger than me and is very often the object of jokes and discussions, but in our relationship I feel he is much wiser than I, I’m the opposite usually act like a child. In this we all are different but at the same time favorite and native. Opposites attract!”, – told Klimov.

A few months after the wedding, the couple had a charming daughter Bella, who was the fourth child actress.

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