Егор Крид не собирается играть свадьбу с победительницей шоу "Холостяк"
Recently on TNT have shown the final edition of the popular TV show “the Bachelor,” Egor creed opted for Daria Lukinoj.

Егор Крид не собирается играть свадьбу с победительницей шоу "Холостяк"

Now the viewers of the show are wondering whether the pair will be married. Yegor hurried to stop the spread of rumors and openly admitted what awaits him in the future.

Егор Крид не собирается играть свадьбу с победительницей шоу "Холостяк"

“Tell me, do you really think that the “Bachelor” people get married? A ring is some kind of rule of the project. As and roses. Franchise you give it to the girl at the end. It’s a kind of tradition. On the project you can choose the person and make the traditional gesture, and then life continues”, — said the actor.

While Daria after his victory admitted that her feelings for Greg on the project was sincere.

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