Егор Холявин откровенно рассказал о новой девушке The star of “House-2” for the first time disclosed the name of a friend. Egor Holyavin told about the affair with a colleague. It turned out that young people are not only work, but also feelings. Details of the man shared with “StarHit”.

Then, as the main telestroke country Egor Holyavin has made location Marina Afrikantov, and remember the viewers and the participants of the project. Gorgeous bouquets of flowers, original Dating, movies, endless compliments, and even a trip to the Seychelles and many other things the young man was doing to the blonde in hopes of reciprocity. However, the pair did not work out. After leaving the show, the fans of Yegor waited a long time for information about his new lover, but the host was in no hurry to share. Although, as it turned out, the girl he is still there.

“Her name is Catherine Bahalina. Many already know her as my friend, colleague and Manager. We do have relations with. Let’s call them so: love-business. We’re always together and do everything together: go to rest, go to events, drive the same car. We even have a General budget”, – shares with “StarHit”.

The man confesses that at the moment, it about love is not, and young people just enjoying each other’s company, trying to live in the here and now. In addition, a future together, they also have not yet discussed, though did not deny this possibility. Despite this, Halavin grateful to Kate and emphasizes how much she means to him.

“It is very important to me. If we are not there, all the time. When I struggle, it supports morally and physically. For example, after surgery helps to dress, to move, to eat. For the plastic, which makes Peter even went with me. Rendered great help in organizing my anniversary and hold it. Greater we don’t think we just cool and comfortable together,” says Halavin.

I wonder what the guys met under very unusual circumstances – both participated in the television program. However, then Egor has not addressed the brunette in the second half. Only after filming the young people began a personal contact and there was mutual sympathy.

“I was the main character of one reality show where I claimed different girls. Only I haven’t seen them and select had, relying solely on their internal world and their feelings. But somehow Kate then weed out. After a short time found the contact, decided to work together and to have a rest”, – said the presenter.