Егор Холявин опасается за свою жизнь после покушения The star of “House-2” is unknown. Egor Holyavin frankly told “StarHit” about the unpleasant events that happen to him and his girlfriend. It turned out that for more than a year a foe gives him no peace.

In addition to many fans, any celebrity, there are haters. Some of them did not show negative feelings, others on the contrary, tried in every way to show the star their attitude. Thus, the former party chief of telestroke country Egor Holyavin became a victim of the real culprit. Blackmail, threats and questionable messages is only a small part of what uses are unknown, wanting to scare the leader.

“It’s been more than six years. I’m just going crazy. This man terrorized and drove me especially. Once he even rigged my car. I’m out, and there’s a beautiful box with a bow… the day before sent the message: “Wait, tomorrow is a bum”. The criminal case was brought to my lawyer, he also planted the bomb. Apparently, the police waited until a bullet will find me” – says the “StarHit”.

In addition, unknown for a long time pursued Holavina. The man went after him through the city, tracking its location, took pictures and sent the pictures made by the victim. The host admits that at first did not find a place for himself and they feared for their lives and the health of loved ones. But after a while got used to the idea and moved on. The threats stopped, but only briefly.

“A couple of months ago, he showed back up. Now trying to intimidate me and my girlfriend Katya. Writes her message, watching. All the same, that then with me. For example, she rides in the car and she receives an SMS: “slow down – you’re going too fast”. If I am habitually, she is a girl takes things more emotionally, really afraid, is,” says Halavin.

It should be noted that young people were already trying to find out the name of the offender and even wanted to go at it alone, to put the point in this story. However, to find out its coordinates proved to be more difficult than they expected. Egor admits that the lull of the unknown may be due to the fact that he himself was encrypted, and even changed the place of residence.

“I called him, but we can’t figure out who it is. In any case, the threats in my direction, stopped only because I moved. Before he knew all the passwords and turnout: my address, my parents. Sometimes even sent parents a letter in the mail. It was really weird,” admits “StarHit”.