Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

Theatre Director, film producer Eduard Boyakov, starting from December this year appointed artistic Director of the famous theater of the Moscow art theater. Wife of Eduard Boyakov, Ludmila, is sympathetic to the busy schedule of the working day my husband, however, is sure that her son Zachary and baby daughter will grow up in a close-knit family, surrounded by attention and care of his father.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

Eduard Boyakov

Family, children, wife of Eduard Boyakov

Four children of Eduard Boyakov two adult daughters and two kids: son Zachary, six years and more years, like his father. Boyakov have a grandson, whom the grandfather sees, by his own admission, not as often as you’d like. “All holidays and weekends we try to spend together with family,” says well-known Director. Edward lives in Moscow with his wife Lyudmila and their two children. Currently, the personal life of Eduard Boyakov devoted to his family.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

Photo: Eduard Boyakov with his wife Lyudmila and son Zachary

Family is very important, according to the Director Eduard Boyakov is a spiritual component. “And of course, the important thing is that my wife Ludmila were married. I have a life after this, there is a prayer”, the story adds Eduard Vladislavovich. Two years ago, the theater Director was in Donetsk, and from there immediately went to Optina Pustyn. After his return she noticed that trip had a great influence on her husband, he has changed a lot.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

About the past of their family relations Eduard Boyakov regrets, because then I was young and family especially to do it once. He led a Bohemian lifestyle, so the first wife of Edward Boyakov raised children without it. Pleases only the fact that relations between the two eldest with the father built on love and acceptance of each other. But the younger children of Eduard Boyakov be with his father a single unit, now he pays them much attention. Eduard Vladislavovich finds an opportunity to live not only theatre, but also a rich family life.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

“If I were asked what is most important for children and their parents, I would say that the child should live with their parents,” the Director and teacher Eduard Vladislavovich Boyakov does not accept the modern ideology of parents who send their children to study abroad. As an educator, he believes that a child should grow up in a family with their parents and not with other people, even graduates. Wife of Edward Boyakov — Lyudmila fully agree with him. So most of the time, the family of the famous Director holds in his country house, where children of Eduard Boyakov grow in harmony with nature, but under the watchful supervision of parents.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

Eduard Boyakov family

Traditional family values of Eduard Boyakov

In the twentieth century, the institution of family as such, almost non-existent. Each cell of society to survive as best they could. “I grew up in Kizilyurt, Dagestan. Far from the places where my ancestors lived, grandfather and grandmother, but the feeling of attachment to his house had always — says Eduard Vladislavovich. Our family had no icons, there was no tradition, passed on from generation to generation.”

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

However, future Director, thanks to the care of his mother and grandmother, always felt the warmth of love not only to themselves but to their native land, to the paternal house. The tradition of the Soviet family was distinguished by the simplicity and presence of the holiday: birthday, Christmas celebration, 1 May, 7 Nov. In those days, people gave each other gifts with love, from the heart. Today, as Director and producer Eduard Boyakov wants to make the holidays people happy.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

At the family festival, held in the Pushkin estate Zakharovo, producer Eduard Boyakov has tried not only to recreate the atmosphere of a warm family holiday, but also allow all those present to the understanding of our unique national culture and a rich heritage, which is able to revive the native Russian culture in General, and the family tradition in particular.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

Father and teacher

Their babies Eduard Boyakov strives to educate the common spiritual space, in love and respect for each other. So today, his six year old son, as the eldest, takes care of her little sister, watching her nurse the baby. Children of Eduard Boyakov, in his opinion, needs to grow up healthy mentally and physically. Therefore, the father believes it is appropriate limits for children and not only in relation to computer games… “my wife and I are not ascetics, but reasonable limitation of children all must be,” — says the father and teacher Eduard Boyakov.

Personal life of Eduard Boyakov

In Voronezh Eduard Boyakov have received higher education he is a philologist and journalist. Served as the future Director of the border. Boyakov studied at the Academy of G. V. Plekhanov, specialty “Marketing”. In the nineties, he headed the Department in a reputed company “Menatep-Impeks”; worked as General Manager at Agio. Eduard Boyakov Vladimirovich was the head of the literary part of the favorite children of the youth Theatre, in the city of Voronezh, and taught at the State University of this city.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

Eduard Vladislavovich not only has the formal education, he, as nature is versatile, able to fulfill themselves in any field, whether working in theatre, educational activities, or management. After six months of his stay in the capital, he was able to buy myself a flat, which at that time was like. It would seem that even necessary? Personal life of Eduard Boyakov has, but this was only its outer shell. Being married, having a daughter, he led a Bohemian lifestyle: the partying, the constant rehearsals, meetings…

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

So Edward met actress Ekaterina Volkova. Their relationship was not of an official character so, after learning about the pregnancy of Catherine, he persuaded her to have an abortion. Boyakov even offered her to live with him and his wife and daughter, because they believed that polygamy is commonplace for modern people.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

On the photo: Ekaterina Volkova

He later confessed to the actress that he had an affair with the incomparable Ksenia Rappoport. After a while, Eduard Boyakov fell in love with Ekaterina Volkova and made her an offer. But she was already in love with Limonov, and soon became his lawful wife.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

Ekaterina Volkova with her husband Limonov

“At the age of forty, I went through a difficult spiritual crisis. Realizing the full horror of how he lived for many years, I finally realized how much grief brought to the people. Realized how much it was, and still is in me selfishness. I understood his fifteen-year separation from the father. My parents are divorced, so divorced and our father’s path in life. At the moment it hurts me to talk about the past. I just don’t understand how I could live like that! But that’s what I lived,” says about himself and about his personal life Eduard Boyakov.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

Several generations of Russians are often raised in families where there was no head of the family. Husband, father, or grandfather died in the war, was tortured to death in camps, or they simply do not. After realizing that, Boyakov began a serious revision of its spiritual values, his life, his family relationships. When he began to read the gospel. However, this was only the beginning. Six years ago, Edward met his future wife, Lyudmila, and they were married. Thus began a new life of Eduard Boyakov.

		Эдуард Бояков: жены, дети, семья. Личная жизнь

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