Эдгард Запашный провел обряд крещения дочери и сына
At the end of the summer last year, well-known trainer Edgard Zapashny again became a father, the wife gave him a charming son Daniel.

Эдгард Запашный провел обряд крещения дочери и сына

A week ago, the young parents gathered loved ones to carry out the rite of baptism of the eldest daughter of Stephanie and baby Daniel, who is only six months.

Эдгард Запашный провел обряд крещения дочери и сына

“The daughter is seven, she knows where to come, what’s going on, confessed in an interview with “StarHit” the trainer. – The day before mother Stasi, a believer, talked with her, explained everything. The kid in surprise and joy was very good, never cried. Touched by all, even the priest pulled his pen, smiled. When Danielczyk dipped into the font, he wasn’t afraid, apparently, because long walks in the pool.”

After the ceremony everyone gathered in the capital restaurant to celebrate this event.

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