Друг Олега Яковлева получил право владения его квартирой June 29 will mark the one year left in the life of the soloist of group Ivanushki International Oleg Yakovlev. Friends of the singer can not divide among themselves the inheritance. As it turned out, a friend of the artist now owns the disputed property.
Друг Олега Яковлева получил право владения его квартирой

At the end of last year to the surprise of many, died Oleg Yakovlev. The singer had problems with health, which he carefully concealed from others. Moreover, Yakovlev worked almost until the last days. The cause of death was bilateral pneumonia, to which the doctors were powerless.

Today, unfortunately, the name of the deceased would often used in the scandalous chronicle: a legacy Yakoleva can not divide between the people who were closest to him in life. Sredi them – beloved Oleg Alexander Kutsevol and his friend Roman Radov. Today he is a major contender on the heritage of the musician, because the singer has written a will in his name, not mentioning the chosen one.

Alexander is outraged by this fact and assures the public that Oleg, signing documents, was too susceptible to disease to be aware of. However, at this time, the court on the side Radova: the man has got the right of tenure Yakovlev, and the girl and all those who live in the apartment at this point in time, will be evicted from there.

“Now we set who live with Alexandra Kutsevol. It is believed that her live with her parents. All these people put in a claim. Ask to move all because the ownership is registered on Romana Radova” – the answer to the press given by the lawyer of the Novel.

Very Kutsevol doesn’t do nothing: she filed a lawsuit, according to which is going to challenge the actions of the notary, which Yakovlev signed the will.

“When Alexander found out that we received a certificate for membership in the inheritance, she filed a statement of claim. Now our principal is unable to dispose of the property freely, as the court still imposed a ban on transactions with the apartment,” – said the lawyer.

Reporters tried to contact the Alexandra Kutsevol that met at one of the night clubs. However, the woman did not communicate with the press, and simply ran away from them, covering his face with hood.

Recall that after the death of the beloved Alexander claimed that for six years and was legally married to Oleg, supposedly they registered their relationship in Serbia. The niece of the singer has presented to journalists of the documentary evidence that Kutsevol lying.